Source code for spikes.solver

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from scipy.linalg import eig, inv
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from IPython.display import display, Math
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

[docs] def solve_system_of_equations( A_np: np.ndarray, B_np: np.ndarray, X0_np: np.ndarray, t_range: np.ndarray, t0: float = 0, verbose: bool = True, ): """ Solve a system of first-order linear differential equations of any size. :param A_np: Coefficient matrix A. :type A_np: ndarray :param B_np: Constant vector B. :type B_np: ndarray :param X0_np: Initial condition vector X0. :type X0_np: ndarray :param t_range: Range of time points over which to evaluate the solution. :type t_range: array-like :param t0: Initial time, default is 0. :type t0: float :returns: A tuple containing: - **final_solution** (*list*): List of symbolic solutions. - **x_values** (*list*): List of evaluated solution values over t_range. :rtype: tuple """ t = sp.Symbol('t') # Number of equations (and variables) n = A_np.shape[0] # Define the system of equations symbolically X = sp.Matrix([sp.Function(f'x{i+1}')(t) for i in range(n)]) A = sp.Matrix(A_np) B = sp.Matrix(B_np) X0 = sp.Matrix(X0_np) dx_dt = A * X + B system = [sp.Eq(sp.diff(X[i], t), dx_dt[i]) for i in range(n)] # Solve the homogeneous system sol_hom = sp.dsolve(system) # Find the constants using initial conditions constants = sp.solve( [sol.rhs.subs(t, t0) - x0 for sol, x0 in zip(sol_hom, X0)] ) # Substitute the constants into the solutions sol_hom_constants = [sol.rhs.subs(constants) for sol in sol_hom] # Display symbolic solutions final_solution = [sol_hom for sol_hom in sol_hom_constants] # Evaluate the solutions over the given time range x_functions = [lambdify((t,), sol, "numpy") for sol in final_solution] x_values = [x_func(t_range) for x_func in x_functions] return final_solution, x_values
[docs] def solve_linear_system_numerical(A, B, X0, t): """ Solves the differential equation dX/dt = AX + B. :param A: Coefficient matrix. :type A: numpy.ndarray :param B: Constant vector. :type B: numpy.ndarray :param X0: Initial condition vector. :type X0: numpy.ndarray :param t: Array of time points at which to solve. :type t: numpy.ndarray :returns: Array of solution vectors at each time point. :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Equilibrium state X_eq = -inv(A) @ B # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eig(A) # Solve for the constants a1, a2, b1, b2 def system(X, t): return A @ X + B sol = odeint(system, X0, t) return {"x": sol, "xeq": X_eq, "ev": eigenvalues, "evec": eigenvectors}
[docs] def solve_linear_system_analytically(A, B, X0, t): '''Depricated''' # Equilibrium state X_eq = -inv(A) @ B # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eig(A) lambda1, lambda2 = np.real(eigenvalues) v1, v2 = eigenvectors.T # Ensure lambda1 != lambda2 for the provided solution if np.isclose(lambda1, lambda2): raise ValueError("The eigenvalues must be distinct.") # Calculate the coefficients c1 and c2 using initial conditions def initial_condition_coefficients(X0): V = np.column_stack((v1, v2)) c = np.linalg.solve(V, X0 - X_eq) return c c1, c2 = initial_condition_coefficients(X0) # Construct the solution X_t = np.array([c1 * v1 * np.exp(lambda1 * t_) + c2 * v2 * np.exp(lambda2 * t_) + X_eq for t_ in t]) return { "x": X_t, "xeq": X_eq, "ev": eigenvalues, "evec": eigenvectors }
[docs] def solve_linear_system_sympy(A, B, X0, verbose=True): '''Depricated''' t = sp.symbols('t') A = sp.Matrix(A) B = sp.Matrix(B) X0 = sp.Matrix(X0) # Equilibrium state X_eq = -A.inv() * B # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors eigenvals = A.eigenvals() eigenvects = A.eigenvects() print("Eigenvalues:", list(eigenvals.keys())) if len(eigenvals) == 2 or list(eigenvals.values()).count(1) == 2: if verbose: print("The matrix A have two distinct eigenvalues.") lambda1, lambda2 = eigenvals.keys() v1 = eigenvects[0][2][0].normalized() v2 = eigenvects[1][2][0].normalized() # Construct the general solution c1, c2 = sp.symbols('c1 c2') X_hom = c1 * v1 * sp.exp(lambda1 * t) + c2 * v2 * sp.exp(lambda2 * t) X_t = X_hom + X_eq # Calculate the coefficients c1 and c2 using initial conditions C = sp.Matrix([c1, c2]) V = sp.Matrix.hstack(v1, v2) C_vals = sp.linsolve((V, X0 - X_eq)) c1_val, c2_val = list(C_vals)[0] X_t = X_t.subs({c1: c1_val, c2: c2_val}) # LaTeX representation latex_solution = sp.latex(sp.simplify(X_t)) if len(eigenvals) == 1: if verbose: print("The matrix A must have one repeated eigenvalue.") return None return X_t#, latex_solution