Source code for

import numpy as np
from numpy import exp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from import HH as _HH

[docs] class HH_SOLUTION(_HH): def __init__(self, par={}): super().__init__(par)
[docs] class HH_REFRACTORINESS(_HH): ''' Refractoriness of the HH model. ''' def __init__(self, par=None): super().__init__(par)
[docs] def f_sys(self, x0, t, i_ext, PULSE_ONSET): ''' define HH Model ''' v, m, h, n = x0 if (t > PULSE_ONSET) & (t < PULSE_ONSET + 1): i_ext = 40.0 dv = (i_ext - self.g_na * m**3 * h * (v - self.v_na) - self.g_k * n**4 * (v - self.v_k) - self.g_l * (v - self.v_l)) / self.c dm = self.alpha_m(v) * (1.0 - m) - self.beta_m(v) * m dh = self.alpha_h(v) * (1.0 - h) - self.beta_h(v) * h dn = self.alpha_n(v) * (1.0 - n) - self.beta_n(v) * n return [dv, dm, dh, dn]
[docs] def simulate(self, tspan=None, *args): ''' Simulate the HH model. Parameters ---------- tspan : array_like, optional Time points (ms) at which to solve for membrane potential and gating variables. Default is np.arange(0, 50, 0.01). args : tuple, optional Additional arguments to pass to the ODE solver. Returns ------- dict Dictionary with keys "t", "v", "m", "h", "n" and values being the corresponding time points and membrane potential and gating variables. ''' x0 = self.set_initial_state() tspan = self.tspan if tspan is None else tspan sol = odeint(self.f_sys, x0, tspan, args=args) return {"t": tspan, "v": sol[:, 0], "m": sol[:, 1], "h": sol[:, 2], "n": sol[:, 3] }