Chapter 4

Higher dimensional linear systems

Code by : Abolfazl Ziaeemehr -

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# uncomment and run this line to install the package on colab
# !pip install "git+" -q
import sympy
import sympy as sp
import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import eig
from IPython.display import display, Math


Eq. 4.2

\[\begin{split}\frac{d}{dt} \begin{pmatrix} E_1 \\ E_2 \\ E_3 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} -5 & -10 & 7 \\ 7& -5& -10 \\ -10& 7 & -5 \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} E_1 \\ E_2 \\ E_3 \end{pmatrix}\end{split}\]
A = np.array([[-5, -10, 7], [7, -5, -10], [-10, 7, -5]])
B = np.array([0,0,0])
X0 = np.array([1, -5, 7])
t_range = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)

# eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eig(A)
# eigenvalues
from spikes.solver import solve_system_of_equations

final_solution, x_values = solve_system_of_equations(A, B, X0, t_range)

for i, sol in enumerate(final_solution, 1):
    display(Math(f'x_{i}(t) = {sp.latex(sol)}'))

$\displaystyle x_1(t) = e^{- 8 t} + 4 \sqrt{3} e^{- \frac{7 t}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{17 \sqrt{3} t}{2} \right)}$
$\displaystyle x_2(t) = e^{- 8 t} - 2 \sqrt{3} e^{- \frac{7 t}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{17 \sqrt{3} t}{2} \right)} - 6 e^{- \frac{7 t}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{17 \sqrt{3} t}{2} \right)}$
$\displaystyle x_3(t) = e^{- 8 t} - 2 \sqrt{3} e^{- \frac{7 t}{2}} \sin{\left(\frac{17 \sqrt{3} t}{2} \right)} + 6 e^{- \frac{7 t}{2}} \cos{\left(\frac{17 \sqrt{3} t}{2} \right)}$
  • plot the evaluation of analytical solution over a given time interval:

import numpy as np
from sympy import lambdify
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
for i in range(3):
    plt.plot(t_range, x_values[i], label=f"x{i+1}(t)")

plt.title('Solutions of the System of Differential Equations')

  • Numerical solution to compare:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint

def system(X, t, A):

A = np.array([[-5, -10, 7],
              [7, -5, -10],
              [-10, 7, -5]])
X0 = np.array([1, -5, 7])

# Time points
t = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)
solution_numerical = odeint(system, X0, t, args=(A,))

plt.figure(figsize=(6, 4))
for i in range(3):
    plt.plot(t_range, x_values[i], label=f"x{i+1}(t)", alpha=0.5)
    plt.plot(t, solution_numerical[:, i], 'k--', label=f"x{i+1} num", alpha=0.5)

plt.title('Solutions of the System of Differential Equations')

4.3 Oscillatory control of respiration

import sympy
from spikes.utils import routh
from spikes.utils import characteristic_polynomial
# Example usage
matrix = [[0, 1], [-2, -3]]
polynomial = characteristic_polynomial(matrix)
HR = routh(polynomial)
$\displaystyle \operatorname{Poly}{\left( x^{2} + 3 x + 2, x, domain=\mathbb{Z} \right)}$
$\displaystyle \left[\begin{matrix}1 & 2\\3 & 0\\2 & 0\end{matrix}\right]$
g = sympy.Symbol('g')
A = sympy.Matrix([
    [-3, 0, -g, -5],
    [-5, -3, 0, -g],
    [-g, -5, -3, 0],
    [0, -g, -5, -3]
p = characteristic_polynomial(A)
⎡-3  0   -g  -5⎤
⎢              ⎥
⎢-5  -3  0   -g⎥
⎢              ⎥
⎢-g  -5  -3  0 ⎥
⎢              ⎥
⎣0   -g  -5  -3⎦
# p
# HR = routh(p)
# HR

For stability, the left hand column must have entries with all the same signs

# sympy.solve([e > 0 for e in HR[:, 0]], g)
A.eigenvals()# , A.eigenvects()
{2 - g: 1, -g - 8: 1, g - 3 - 5*I: 1, g - 3 + 5*I: 1}
char_poly = A.charpoly().as_expr()
lam = sympy.Symbol('lambda')
eigenvalues = sp.solve(char_poly, lam)
[2 - g, -g - 8, g - 3 - 5*I, g - 3 + 5*I]

so to have oscillatory behaviour, we need to have a pair of complex conjugates eigenvalues, with real part of zero or negative and imaginary part of non-zero.

g - 3 + 5 * I
g - 3 - 5 * I

g = 3
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